Tag Archive for: system

How To Create Superfans So You Get More Referrals

Purdeep Sangha is my guest on this week’s 2X Podcast episode.

He’s the author of “Superfans,” a book on how to create enormous loyalty within your client base. I highly suggest reading it, it is an awesome book to learn how to serve clients so that referrals flood to you.

How often have you worked with a vendor who you can barely tolerate – and then they ask you for referrals?

You don’t do it, do you? Of course not.

Why subject your friends to average service? Purdeep gives you some thoughts on this big topic!

Learn more about Purdeep’s book at https://createsuperfans.com.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_09.27.17-Purdeep.mp3″ title=”How To Create Superfans So You Get More Referrals” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


How Are Your Relationships?

Dr. Brookh Lyons, author of “The Envelope System,” joins me today to talk about business relationships – and what we can do to improve them.

The fact is that if we want to 2X anything in our life, it likely gets down to the *quality* of our relationships – with propsects, clients, internal team, family etc.,

Dr. Lyons is a powerful speaker and coach who works with high achievers in their pursuit of better relationships in their lives.

Learn more about Dr. Lyons’s book at http://a.co/6bu8rHn

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/the2xpodcast/2xP_09.12.17.mp3″ title=”How Are Your Relationships?” artist=”The 2X Podcast” image=”http://billcaskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2XPodcast-SPP.png” color=”#a89432″ background=”#33343a” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


Episode #394: Keystone Habits of a Salesperson

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootHow do you ensure eternal sales success?

In this episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale use Charles Duhigg’s concept of Keystone Habits to determine what salespeople need to do to increase their success. (If you want more on this idea, check out Duhigg’s book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.)

Bill and Bryan share some of their own keystone habits— a blend of mental, physical and emotional strategies that you can use to improve your sales game. After you hear theirs, we’d love to know yours. Shoot us a note at [email protected] to share some of your keystone habits with us. We might just talk about you on an upcoming episode!

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/16-06-13-394-KeystoneHabits.mp3″ title=”Episode #394: Keystone Habits of a Salesperson?” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

Episode #393: Is the Sales System Broken?

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootCould the sales system be broken?

For both Buyers and Sellers, what if the process isn’t really working?  In this episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale analyze both viewpoints and consider areas where the system can be improved on both sides of the selling process.

Is the Buyer too focused on paying the least amount of money, not getting the best outcome?

Is the Seller in “get the deal” mentality more than they are trying to provide a helpful solution for their prospect?

In today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you questions to ask and things to consider to analyze if your own sales system is broken.  The good news— if it is, they also provide strategies to help you make it better.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/billcaskey01/16-06-09-393-SalesSystemBroken.mp3″ title=”Episode #393: Is the Sales System Broken?” artist=”The Advanced Selling Podcast” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true”]

How To Get a Job, Grow Your Business, or Improve Personal Positioning

The numbers of Unemployment are staggering….over 9,000,000 working age Americans. Most are choosing to opt out of the labor force, (which I fail to grasp).

And Underemployment is also staggering…as high as 7,000,000 by some estimates. The definition of underemployment: Workers that are highly skilled but working in low-paying, low-skilled jobs or part time workers that would like to be full time.

Consequently, this article is design to solve a bit of this problem. I can hear your reaction: “Bill, you’re nuts. You can’t solve this in a blog post.” Oh yeah? Watch me.

Caveats. This will be apolitical so you trolls step back. This is about personal responsibility of the worker. And I consider that politically neutral.  This also is not about macro-economic trends. I’ll leave that to people smarter than moi.

In order to get a job, you have to have a System.

And that’s what I will teach you here: A systematic approach to job improvement is essential. If you have no system, you’ll be at the whims of the market. You will lose control. You will be powerless.

If you’re OK with powerlessness, stop reading this IMMEDIATELY. This will not help. Get to therapy now, where you can lay on the couch and discover your self-imposed limitations.

But for others, here we go. Read more

Marissa Is At The Top Of Her Game. So How Does She Do It?

I met Marissa last month at an event I was asked to speak at. She was 27 years old and, while attractive, she didn’t turn heads when she walked in the room.

And, she was assertive, but in a serene, comfortable way.


As high achievers usually do, she approached me after my speech and wanted to ask me a few questions about my topic-“How To Be A High Sales Achiever In An Ultra-Competitive Market.”

She asked the question, and scribbled down some of my input. But I could tell something was different about her. So, I asked her how she had climbed to be the top ranked sales person at her software company (a company that has over 100 sales people.)

Here was her formula of how she rose to the top:

1. “I have a web page that offers a free download of a checklist I wrote about how you know if you’re ready for software.” She maintained this was THE thing that was the difference maker. Now, when she’s networking, all she does is meet people, collect their card, and send them a nice email that links to her web page.

NOTE: She spent her own money on the site, the email software behind it, and paid to have the checklist written. This total cost was about $500/year, a pittance when you see her earnings. Read more

The One Thing That Will Change Your Sales World

Apologies to the person who created the “flower and the bee” concept but I think that epitomizes perfectly the problem with most sales processes today.


And do we ever have a problem.

The ‘flower and the bee’ phenomena goes like this: in nature the flower must pollinate itself. It sits there waiting for the bee (one of the many ways pollination happens) to pollinate it. The flower does not labor, nor does it stress about bees showing up. Bees, on the other hand, are scurrying about trying to find food, and pollinating the flower.

In business, sales people are typically the bees and the customer is the flower. Sales people scurry around the country looking for food.

Why does it have to be that way? Why shouldn’t the sales professional be sitting – allowing the prospect to show up for them? Why?

It’s because we don’t plan it out that way. (We actually might, secretly, like the scurrying about looking for plants -err prospects.)

We have bought into the flower/bee process so heavily in sales that we refuse to even admit that it’s all wrong. (We also do this when job searching…wrong again.) Read more

Want to Make More Money? Bring More Value!

Jim Rohn said it decades ago but it still rings true, if you want more money, bring more value! In this audio clip, Bill lays out a way for you to make more money by becoming move valuable to those who pay you. Your income is a by-product of that, but unless you get your arms wrapped tightly around that concept, you and I might be fighting a losing battle. At your next sales meeting, play this clip and spend 20 minutes discussing it.

When Presenting, You’ll Crush It With These Three I’s

Whether you’re running a sales meeting, a prospecting meeting, or just presenting to a group, Bill gives you some very simple but powerful advice to keep you on track. He calls it “The Three I’s.”