Tag Archive for: whiteboard wednesday

Problems and Solutions In Talking Money With Prospects

To say that the discussion of money is the most important part of the sales process might be an over-reach. BUT, the fact is that if you aren’t willing to embrace the conversation about money, then you will be at a disadvantage further into the sales cycle.

Why do so many people have so many qualms with talking money? Well, in this Whiteboard Wednesday, Bill Caskey deals with it head-on, discussing the problems, the causes and the solutions that await you. As with any roadblock in the sales cycle, it all begins with “the inner game.”

One Minute Sales Process Rants

Bill and Brooke bring their ‘rant faces’ to this episode. They’ve each been through some sales processes where they’ve experienced life as the buyer. And they bring these up to with a word of caution: ‘Check out yourself’ to see if you make these errors…

  • How you introduce yourself to people,
  • How you introduce others in a meeting, and
  • Whether you use the words ‘less’ or ‘fewer’ correctly. (That’s Bill’s and he acknowledge that has nothing to do with anything…he just got on a roll and couldn’t stop.)

There are some lessons here amidst the emotion. Check these out and see if they bother you as much as they do them.

3 Tips On How To Write An Email To A Prospect & Things You Should STOP Doing Now

Sales people have a tendency to blame everything on those lousy prospects. But is that true?

In this episode of Whiteboard Wednesday, Bill Caskey rants about about a sales person he met at a game last week. This guy was a real ‘moaner.’ He asked Bill, “Why aren’t these prospects returning my emails or phone calls?” Bill shares with you his response.

In part two of the video, Bill offers an email template that can work in almost all situations.  He claims:

“We tend to write emails in the state of need and that shapes what we say and how we say it.”

**You can learn more tips on how to write emails to a prospect or your client at: http://emailitsellersguide.com/


Sales Action And Running Prospect Meetings

Whiteboard Wednesday returns to its roots this week with Bill (who’s actually in front of a whiteboard) discussing how to handle a sales call when there are many of them and only one of you. He gives you a simple technique that few use that will help you begin on the same page.

And Bryan Neale rants a little bit about his fat wallet (except for there’s no money in it….only receipts). The essence of this rant has to do with taking action.

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What Happens When The Prospect Tries To Derail You?

In this episode, sales trainer Brooke Green relays a story of how she – the actual sales chick – almost allowed the prospect to drag her off track in a big sales cycle. She’ll share with you sales lessons she learned, how she righted the ship and what she did to get the sales process back on track.

Also, Bryan Neale shares with you his sales-God-meditation thoughts about the topic of ‘market abundance’ and how that impacts your sales attitude.
You won’t want to miss this.

And Bill? He’s relegated once more to the mere “introducer” role, a role he doesn’t seem happy about.

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How To Improve The Sales Mind

In this episode, Brooke Green takes a look at how we can improve the creative juices that make up the sales mind. Yes, sales people MUST be creative, but most are a bit afraid of it (our opinion). So Brooke let’s fly with some ideas.

Also, Bill Caskey rants about a cold call he received from an insurance agent (with a huge national brand).

*Watch other Whiteboard Wednesday Episodes: www.youtube.com/whiteboardwednesday

*Coming June 27, 2011, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale interview Pat Williams – Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic. View the episode “What Every Salesperson Can Learn from John Wooden” at http://www.advancedsellingpodcast.com/what-every-salesperson-can-learn-from-john-wooden/.


How To Get To The Decision Makers – The New Reality of Selling

It’s not often that we get to have an esteemed guest the level of Kevin Eikenberry (From Bud to Boss) but we have him on The Advanced Selling Podcast.

(Listen to the rest of the podcast “From Sales Person to Sales Leader” : http://www.advancedsellingpodcast.com/from-sales-person-to-sales-leader/)

Also on this week’s episode, Brooke Green talks about how we can cope with the recession by understanding the “new reality” of selling. Also, in our “Mailbag” segment, we address the ever-serious topic of ‘how to get access to decision makers.’ Enjoy!

How To Create a Great Sales Message

In this episode, Bill Caskey walks you through some most common (and frustrating) trends facing America’s sales people. We can talk about sales strategy and sales technique all we want. The fact is that the landscape is changing for sales people world wide, and you had best understand what you’re walking into before you walk into it.

You are also encouraged to go to samegamenewrules.com and download the eBook Same Game New Rules-for a limited price of $9.99 and receive 4 bonus videos from the author Bill Caskey.

And Brooke Green dives into “messaging.” Actually, she does it right, spending time on the “crafting of your sales message” versus just the ‘communicating’ of it. She works in a step by step process that you can use to get your message right.

How To Manage The Sales Process

One of the most common issues companies have is in managing (controlling) the sales process once it begins.

In this episode, you’ll get advice from all angles!
