Tag Archive for: Brooke Green

One Minute Sales Process Rants

Bill and Brooke bring their ‘rant faces’ to this episode. They’ve each been through some sales processes where they’ve experienced life as the buyer. And they bring these up to with a word of caution: ‘Check out yourself’ to see if you make these errors…

  • How you introduce yourself to people,
  • How you introduce others in a meeting, and
  • Whether you use the words ‘less’ or ‘fewer’ correctly. (That’s Bill’s and he acknowledge that has nothing to do with anything…he just got on a roll and couldn’t stop.)

There are some lessons here amidst the emotion. Check these out and see if they bother you as much as they do them.

What Happens When The Prospect Tries To Derail You?

In this episode, sales trainer Brooke Green relays a story of how she – the actual sales chick – almost allowed the prospect to drag her off track in a big sales cycle. She’ll share with you sales lessons she learned, how she righted the ship and what she did to get the sales process back on track.

Also, Bryan Neale shares with you his sales-God-meditation thoughts about the topic of ‘market abundance’ and how that impacts your sales attitude.
You won’t want to miss this.

And Bill? He’s relegated once more to the mere “introducer” role, a role he doesn’t seem happy about.

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How To Improve The Sales Mind

In this episode, Brooke Green takes a look at how we can improve the creative juices that make up the sales mind. Yes, sales people MUST be creative, but most are a bit afraid of it (our opinion). So Brooke let’s fly with some ideas.

Also, Bill Caskey rants about a cold call he received from an insurance agent (with a huge national brand).

*Watch other Whiteboard Wednesday Episodes: www.youtube.com/whiteboardwednesday

*Coming June 27, 2011, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale interview Pat Williams – Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic. View the episode “What Every Salesperson Can Learn from John Wooden” at http://www.advancedsellingpodcast.com/what-every-salesperson-can-learn-from-john-wooden/.


How To Manage The Sales Process

One of the most common issues companies have is in managing (controlling) the sales process once it begins.

In this episode, you’ll get advice from all angles!


Whiteboard Wednesday Trailer

Whiteboard Wednesday, a bi-weekly Web TV Show for Sales Professionals, is now available! The show is a tactical guide for any sales person to use in navigating the turbulent waters of professional selling!

If you want to change your results in sales or leadership, you must…must…change your thinking.

Once you do, you’ll find the business market quite easy to pursue. You’ll find that your confidence soars. You’ll find situations that used to frustrate you now become easy.

We suggest that every problem you have in business today is a result of old, antiquated thinking. Isn’t it time to change?

Blog Authors

We love to hear from our readers. If you’d like to contact our authors privately to suggest story ideas or critique their writing, here is their information:

Bill Caskey: mailto:[email protected]

Bill is a sales development leader and experimenter. His ideas about selling are convictions about life, money and meaning. He has coached sales professionals and executives for over 20 years. And his philosophies and strategies have fueled explosive growth in sales and profits for clients.  Click here to learn more about Bill Caskey.

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