What Can You Do With A Psychology Degree? These Things

How many times have we heard, “What in the world can you do with a Psychology Degree?” My seventeen year-old daughter is exploring colleges right now and is somewhat interested in psychology (because she really likes her high school psychology teacher-maybe not a good reason but, what the heck?)

And yet when I talk to fellow parents – some of whose children actually majored in psychology – I get that look of disdain and shaking of the head.  And although they don’t say anything I know what they are thinking

“What in the world can you do with a psychology degree?”

I even had one father say, “What’s she gonna be a social psychologist, making $20, 000 a year?”

That was a little insulting. I think we miss the issue of a psychology degree: The more skilled we can be in dealing with humans – including ourselves –  the more successful we will be in the universe.

We always talk about how “people are the vehicle to our wealth” and yet we discount the value of a psychology degree. And how often have we heard, “Business would be easy, if not for the people”? Or, “It’s not what you know-it’s who you know.”

I have an answer to the question “What can you do with a psychology degree ?”


Will you be a better copywriter if you have a psychology degree?….YES!

Will you be a better leader if you understand why people do the things they do?…YES!

Will you be a better sales professional if you can understand what motivates people to buy? ….YES!

Will you better team player if can understand human conflicts and emotional distractions of individuals on that team?…. YES!

Will you be a better marketer (of anything) if you can understand what motivates people to act? ….YES!

So, if you have kids that are thinking about psychology degree I say GO FOR IT! Don’t hold them back. They can use it in virtually every walk of life.

And They Can Get Rich Doing It!